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Farmyard Heads & Tails Matching/Memory Game

25 pieces
- 24 cards (12 pairs)
- 1 instructional leaflet

Stored in original box
Set complete 13/5/24

Fee: A$ 0.00 per borrow

Location: Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Condition: B - Fair
Brand: Orchard Toys
Code: 82
Serial: PM0207

A farm themed matching activity that develops into a game as children grow in confidence and ability.
Can be played as a single pairing activity or a memory game.
Twelve farm characters and objects to match. This resource encourages observational and memory skills whilst introducing children the concept of turn taking.

Age: 18+ months

Leaflet instruction

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Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Additional Needs Toys & Equipment