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Shopping List Extras - Fruit & Veg

21 pieces:
2 shopping trolleys
2 shopping lists
16 item cards
1 instruction leaflet
(Set complete 26/3/24)

Fee: A$ 0.00 per borrow

Location: Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Condition: A - As new
Brand: Orchard Toys
Code: 82
Serial: PM0238

This pack can be used to extend the gameplay of Shopping List Game (PM0138).
Great to teach children about healthy eating including everyday foods like potatoes and pears to food items such as asparagus and kiwis.
For development of matching and visual memory.

Age: 3 -7 years

Games instructions:

Log in to borrow or reserve

Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Additional Needs Toys & Equipment