Cancel Borrow / reserve:

Trick Sticks

4 Piece container
12 Marbles
1 dice
7 purple sticks (2 missing (7/9/24)
7 blue sticks (1 missing (20/07/24)
7 yellow sticks (1 missing (20/07/24)
7 green sticks
7 red sticks
7 orange sticks
above correct (7/9/24)

Fee: A$ 0.00 per borrow

Location: Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Condition: A - As new
Code: 83
Serial: PM0561

Game to test Coordination and reasoning skills with sticks placed in a container to stop the marbles from falling. 2- 4 players

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Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Additional Needs Toys & Equipment