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Mobilo Blocks Set 1

101 pieces:
- 12 sets of wheels (1 missing 21/9/24)
- 53 shapes (1 missing 21/9/24)
- 36 connectors

Stored in container
Above correct 21/9/2024

Fee: A$ 0.00 per borrow

On loan
Condition: A - As new
Code: 83
Serial: PM0637

Construction resources help to promote a variety of cognitive and physical skills. Construction and manipulative resources can help to promote both fine motor and gross motor development. They encourage problem solving and logical thinking to solve issues such as balancing blocks, where the next piece goes and how to make the structure that they want to build. Team work is also a key feature in the use of construction resources. Children can work together to design and build intricate and thoughtful structures using their creativity, imagination and logical thinking. Social, communication and language skills are all improved through playing with construction resources.

Stored in Plastic tub with lid

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Play Matters Toy Library & Therapy Centre
Additional Needs Toys & Equipment