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Magblox Magnetic Tiles Classic Set

101 pieces
Guide booklet

Stored in original box
Set complete 04/10/2024

Fee: A$ 0.00 per borrow

On loan
Condition: A - As new
Brand: Magblox
Code: 83
Serial: PM1971

The Magblox magnetic tiles 101 set is perfect for little engineers, artists, and designers.

Our unique set features a variety of small and large squares, equilateral, isosceles, and right-angled triangles in vibrant colours, offering limitless play potential.

With Magblox, children can create animals, buildings, transports, mandalas, and multiple 2D and 3D ideas. Whether they play independently or with friends and family, children of all ages can experience STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) learning with the Magblox 101 set, exploring magnetism, physics, symmetry, patterns, problem-solving and much more!

Warning: Choking hazard - this product contains small magnets.
Swallowed magnets can stick together across intestines causing serious infections and death. Seek medical attention if magnet(s) are swallowed or inhaled. This product is not suitable for children under 3 years old.

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